Monday 16 May 2011

Olympic legacy rewards riding school

HOOF, the Olympic Legacy project of the British Equestrian Federation has invested £25,000 of capital funding on an arena roof for Mount Mascal Stables, a top London riding school.

Members of the London Horse Network were invited to apply for the last-minute funding from a £50,000 pot, secured for the City from Sport England in November 2010. Mount Mascal itself invested the remaining amount needed for the fruition of its proposal. As a result, the venue now boasts a light, airy and dry outdoor school with a difference - a £78,000 roof.

John Window, Director of Mount Mascal Stables explains, "The outdoor school surface was too deep in the summer and too wet in the winter. So, for much of the year, our riders were limited to sharing the indoor arena, while the outdoor space stood idle and empty."

From modest beginnings, 45 years ago, with two horses and one small paddock, John has devoted himself to growing Mount Mascal Stables into a thriving equestrian centre. The complex now combines a 50 equine strong riding school, full livery services, stabling and 70 acres of pasture. John says, "We were so thrilled to be awarded funding and very grateful to HOOF. This is first time we've ever received any financial help and it is absolutely marvellous. My daughter, Alison put in an enormous effort to present our bid and we are delighted to be already seeing the benefits of our new outdoor facility."

London Representative of the British Equestrian Federation explains, "Mount Mascal's bid showed how a relatively small investment could deliver a substantial increase in capacity and participation, to broaden the range of people riding, improve standards and help change the elitist view of equestrianism, which meant it fitted well into the funding criteria set by Sport England."

John explains, "Our philosophy at Mount Mascal is that riding should be accessible to everyone. Our new space means we can continue and further develop our community links to enable more people to learn and enjoy riding - especially those who may be disadvantaged or discouraged by their perception of the sport. They can now benefit from a safe and attractive outdoor riding environment, all year round. This is especially important in our ever increasingly urban society. And, with 2012 just around the corner now, we are looking forward to encouraging new fans of our sport, inspired by the Olympic equestrian events in Greenwich, to convert from spectating to participating."

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